Business Continuity Policy
This outlines Delib's approach and response to business continuity events. A business continuity event (BCE) is defined as any event which significantly affects the organisation's capability to deliver services to customers.
During any business continuity event the following activities are prioritised:
- Ensuring the safety of staff and other individuals.
- Maintaining the protection of both Delib and customer information assets.
- Minimising the impact on both Delib and its customers.
- Restoring internal coordination capability (eg email, chat and phone).
- Restoring customer services.
- Restoring internal services.
A business continuity team has been established who are responsible for:
- Acting as an initial point of contact for staff who suspect a potential event
- Declaring an incident in progress (live).
- Declaring an incident over.
- Coordinating initial and ongoing response.
- Ensuring appropriate records are kept.
The individuals currently appointed to the business continuity team and their responsibilities are documented in the Business Continuity Plan.
For any suspected business continuity event the flowchart in the Business Continuity Plan is used to determine whether a response is required. This results in one of the following outcomes:
- Determination that the event is not a business continuity event.
- Diversion to the security incident response plan.
- Diversion to the disaster recovery plan for customer services.
- Escalation to the business continuity team.
When an event is escalated to the business continuity team it may be subject to further assessment before declaring an event in progress. A standardised form is used as an entry point for record keeping during the event.
Policy reviewed 13th February 2024 (AH).
The Business Continuity Plan is tested at least annually. Date of last test: 31st July 2024.
Policy reviewed 20th January 2025 (SG)