Slider settings
Here you’ll add the overall settings for your sliders, including the total number of points you’re giving participants to allocate (if you’ve got a Points Simulator) or the total budget you’re asking participants to spend (if you’ve got a Budget Simulator).
Points Simulator
If you've got a Points Simulator you can edit the following slider settings:
Minimum points target: the minimum number of points a participant can allocate before they hit the target (read points target note).
Maximum points target: the maximum number of points a participant can allocate to be on target (read points target note).
Target ‘call to action’: the challenge you’re setting your participants, which is shown at the top left of the sliders page (for example, 'Use your points to choose what’s important to you').
Text when target is met: this text ('You’ve met the target!') replaces the call to action text when a participant allocates enough points to meet the target you’ve set.
Extended commenting: all participants are given the option of adding any final comments on the Consequences page before they submit their choices. Tick this box if you’d like participants to also be able to add comments to each separate group in your Simulator.
Points target note:
If you want all participants to have to use the same number of points before they can submit, set the minimum and maximum to be the same.
Budget Simulator
If you’ve got a Budget Simulator you can edit the following slider budget and settings:
Fixed expenditure: enter any expenditure relevant to your Simulator exercise that you don’t want your participants to be able to adjust.
Fixed income: the total budget you have available (excluding any income sliders you choose to add).
Target 'call to action': the challenge you’re setting your participants, which is shown at the top left of the sliders page ('Reduce spending by £X to balance our budget').
Text when target is met: this text ('You’ve met the target!') replaces the call to action text when a participant allocates enough points to meet the target you’ve set.
Enforce target: tick this box if you’d like to prevent participants from submitting their response until they’ve met the target you’ve set. If you’ve chosen to apply a tolerance, participants will be able to submit their response when their total is within the percentage range that’s been set.
Extended commenting: all participants are given the option of adding any final comments before they submit their choices. Tick this box if you’d like participants to also be able to add comments to each separate group in your Simulator.