Map search options

The search on Citizen Space Geospatial maps is a location search. Search options include by postcode only or by full text (which includes postcode, full address, and location name) as well as with the added benefit of autocomplete.

Respondents can also search by 'Use my location' (which pulls from the browser once the respondent grants permission to do so).

Site Admin can determine the search type to be used.

If you'd like to change the default search settings or choose an advanced custom search setting for individual tilesets, contact your customer success manager who can action your request.

Default settings

The default setting for Ordnance Survey tilesets is a full text search. Ordnance Survey search supports searching for postcode and location name

Search box on an Ordnance Survey map with heading text of Find a location or postcode.

The default setting for OpenStreetMap tilesets is full text search. OpenStreetMap search supports postcode, location name, and full address search.

Search box on an Ordnance Survey map with heading text of Find a location, address or postcode.

Customise search setting options include:

Search type

Search type is by either postcode only (the way Geospatial search was originally set up) or full text (with the option to enable additional help text options).


Enables the search to autocomplete as a user types. Autocomplete is enabled by default, however can be disabled if preferred. Note: Not all providers/tilesets support autocomplete.

Advanced customisations

Edit individual tileset search settings

There is the option to mix and match tilesets with different search providers. So for example, if you like the Ordnance Survey Roadmap, but want to use the OpenStreetMap search settings, you can choose customise the specific tileset to utilise those search settings.

Enable or disable search on individual mapping pages

There is also the option to disable location search on individual mapping pages within a survey.

  1. To remove the search option from a map, go the specific mapping page in the relevant survey, and select 'Edit map settings'.
  2. Under the Search Options section, there is dropdown menu with 'Default Search' selected.
  3. Select 'No Search' to change the search option. This will remove the search box from the map.

The Search Options section on the Edit map settings page with dropdown options for No Search or Default Search.