Private activities - how do I make an existing activity private?

Making an existing activity private is nice and simple.

1. From the dashboard select 'Edit Activity Details'.

Top of Dashboard with Edit Activity Details highlighted.

2. Scroll down to the 'Private activity' section and tick 'Make this activity private'.

Private Activity checkbox on Edit Activity Details.

3. Then select 'Save' (bottom right of the page).

How the URL will change

Once an activity is made private, the pathname will change from the text you had originally assigned to it to an alpha-numeric code, like this:

Top of activity dashboard with private URL highlighted.

BE AWARE: If you have respondents in the middle of completing the online survey when the URL changes then they may lose their response. Also, moving forward, if anyone tries to access the activity via its old public URL (eg from a bookmark, a link in an email, or because they're currently looking at it when it changes) they will see a 'Not Found' error message instead.

Be mindful of this when making any change and only do so if you are happy you won't be interrupting anyone's response.