Marking an activity as complete

If you have this feature enabled on your site, on the dashboard you will find a section called 'Activity completion'. Users can select this to indicate that they have finished working with the data from the activity and that all work on the activity is complete.

Activity completion section on Activity Dashboard with Mark this activity as complete highlighted.

If you are as site administrator and would like this turned on, just get in touch with your customer success manager and we'll enable it for you.


When you select 'Yes' on this page and save changes, it will mark the activity as completed on the 'Manage Activities' export and will add the completed date.

If no setting has ever been selected on this page then the export won't contain a date or completion flag at all.

If an activity has 'Yes' selected and then is changed back to 'No' and saved, this will apply a 'No' flag to the 'Manage Activities' export.

Activity completion screen with option to set as complete.

The user's name, selection date, and whether they have marked it as complete or incomplete will also appear in a History list on the Activity Completion page.


The purpose of this check is to help administrators to manage data retention periods for your organisation. By logging the date all work is completed on the activity, it means that your organisation has more insight over how long it is holding data for, to make it easier to keep in line with data protection guidelines. 

Each organisation will have its own processes for managing the retention of data, how long it should be stored for, and what it plans to do with data no longer in use. You may wish to contact the relevant colleagues/team to find out the process in your own organisation.