Deleting challenges in Dialogue
Site Admins have the option to delete challenges in Dialogue. Whether you have duplicate challenges, test drafts or need to delete challenges to comply with data retention periods, you are able to permanently delete challenges to keep your dashboard and data clean and organised.
In the admin settings, you can view the list of all challenges, organised alphabetically, on your Dialogue site to find which challenge you need to delete. Click on the challenge title to get to its dashboard. Once in the challenge dashboard, if you're a site admin you'll see a 'Delete Challenge' option below the Publish/Retract option on the top right portion of the dashboard.
Both published and unpublished challenges can be deleted.
To ensure you REALLY want to delete the challenge permanently, you will then be taken to the delete confirmation. Once you delete a challenge, you cannot undo this action and any ideas or comments within this challenge will be deleted with it.
Some things to think about
In most circumstances involving published, public-facing challenges, in order to protect any data submitted we do not advise you to delete those challenges. If you want to remove it from public view the safer option would be to retract it. However, you can delete them in the rare case that you have a published challenge that needs to be completely removed.
Site admins still have the option to export all published challenge data prior to deleting it, to keep a record of any data collected while published.
Only site administrators have the ability to delete challenges. For obvious reasons, normal users and moderators cannot edit or delete challenges. Find out more information on Dialogue users.