How can I assign topics (tags) to related ideas?
In Dialogue, your admins can assign topics to ideas to help you with your analysis by letting you easily see which ideas fall into the same topic. These topics can also be searched by your site visitors, making it easier for them to find all the ideas that are relevant or of interest them or to check if their particular idea has already been posted.
The instructions below detail how to assign topics to ideas and then how users can search using topics.
Assigning topics to ideas
Step 1
Once you are logged in, head to the Administration page by using the link at the top of the homepage.
Step 2
From here, click on the title of the challenge that contains the ideas you wish add topics to. On the challenge dashboard you can see how many ideas do not yet have topics applied. To view the ideas that need topics, click the See X ideas without topics applied link.
Top tip:To save time, you may wish to assign topics to ideas whilst you are moderating them. In this case, follow the 'Moderate ideas' link, do your moderation and assign topics at the same time following the instructions below. More advice on how to moderate ideas can be found in this article.
Step 3
Select the idea you'd like to assign a topic to. Once in the idea page, use the Topics section to assign topics relevant to that idea. Make sure you separate each new topic with a comma (for example: cycling, parks).
When typing into the Add Topic box, Dialogue will offer suggestions for topics already created for other ideas. This will help you to keep your topic names consistent.
Topics that have already been assigned to that idea are displayed above the Add Topic box. The little red cross which can be seen next to the topics can be used to delete the topic if it is no longer suitable.
Managing topics
You can review the full list of topics that have been assigned to all ideas in your challenge by selecting Manage Topics from the challenge dashboard.
The Manage Topics page lists all topics along with how many ideas in the challenge have that topic applied. The Delete Topic link can be used to delete a topic and remove it from all the ideas it is applied to in this challenge.
Clicking on the name of the topic will list all ideas in this challenge that have that topic applied.
Using topics to search for related ideas
Once ideas have been assigned topics, these can then be used as a filter to find other ideas with the same topic. This can be done using the Search and Filter button on the public challenge page.
The search will expand from the right hand side of the screen, displaying all the topics that have been assigned to ideas in that challenge (up to a maximum of 20). Users can then use those topics to filter the ideas, or they can use the text box to enter a keyword to search for.
If more than 20 different topics have been assigned to ideas in the challenge, the bar on the right hand side of the screen will display the top 20 most frequently applied topics. Site visitors can find the other less-used topics by using the search text box.