Skip logic: a quick start guide


Skip Logic, also known as survey routing or branching, allows you to influence the way a respondent progresses through your online survey, depending on their answer to particular questions. This allows you to hide pages that aren't relevant to a particular respondent, or exclude respondents from the rest of the survey if they don't qualify (for example if they live outside the target area).

To do this, you'll need to apply Skip Logic rules to certain pages. These take effect when the page is submitted, and determine the next page the user will see. There are two types of Skip Logic you can apply to a page: conditional or unconditional.

  • Conditional rules take the respondent to different destination pages based on how they answer a question on the current page. These rules are useful for hiding pages that don't apply to the respondent.
  • Unconditional rules will always take the respondent to the same destination page regardless of their answers on the current page. These rules are useful for making different branches of the survey join together again, so that everyone ends up on the same page at the end.

There is an example survey in our demo site that demonstrates Skip Logic - check it out here.

Building a survey with Skip Logic

In Citizen Space, Skip Logic is designed to be Page Based, meaning that the respondent will not be routed to the next question until they click through to the next page.

Plan and set up your survey

Before you add Skip Logic to your survey, you should:

Adding Skip Logic to your survey

Once you've built your survey, you need to set up your routing by applying skip logic rules.

Test and preview

After adding Skip Logic rules, you should:

Analysing a survey with Skip Logic

Some special considerations should be made when analysing a survey with skip logic, as not all respondents will have seen all questions.

Important note: Skip Logic is an advanced feature. Rules that are set up incorrectly could make respondents miss important pages, or even create an infinite loop that would prevent respondents from completing and submitting the survey.  Always test your survey before publishing it.