Accessibility Policy page - how to manage in Citizen Space

The Accessibility page can be found in the footer of your Citizen Space site.

Footer on public home page.

The accessibility policy text of your homepage entirely editable, making it easy for you to directly match the text in Citizen Space with your organisation’s accessibility statement. 

How to edit accessibility text

If you would like to add additional information specific to your organisation, select Site and then Settings:

Global admin navigation with Site menu selected and Settings highlighted.

Then you will see a menu of options. Select the Pages link:

Site Settings navigation with Pages highlighted.

Then, from the 'Manage Page Content' page, select 'Accessibility' from the Policy Pages section.

Manage Page Content page.

Then, edit or enter your Accessibility text in the box and select Save.

Text editor on 'Edit Policy Page: Privacy' page where you can add your own content. Screenshot.

Information for UK customers

This section of the article provides information and guidance about the content that could be added to an Accessibility Policy page to enable UK based customers to meet the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

We recommend that you also take advice and guidance from within your own organisation about the content of all of your policy pages.

The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 state that all UK public sector websites or apps must:

  • meet accessibility standards
  • publish an accessibility statement.

It is possible to publish your accessibility statement on your Citizen Space Accessibility Policy page should you wish to. If so, based on the guidance from GDS, there are some specific words and phrases that need to be included in the accessibility statement.

You should include additional information as you see fit, or you can link out to an accessibility statement elsewhere if that is the approach being taken in your organisation.