Release notes: Citizen Space v7.15

Citizen Space version 7.15 is heading your way in the week beginning 31st October 2022.

This release brings new response publishing functionality and many more reporting options.

A big change to response publishing

Response publishing is a uniquely powerful tool for any organisation that wants to prove its commitment to trustworthiness and accountability. Citizen Space has always allowed for respondents’ submissions to be publicly displayed on an activity (with their consent of course), but with this release we’ve pushed response publishing up a level.

You can now reply publicly to published responses. This give you a chance to correct any misinformation in an individual response or show support for a great idea, and also proves to citizens that you’re really listening and taking their comments on board. 

Customisable reports

Citizen Space’s integrated tools already speed along the analysis process. This release brings much more flexibility in how you present the insights you’ve gained, allowing you to quickly and easily produce reports on a specific slice of response data.

You can now filter out any information you don’t want from summary reports. Cut straight to the information you need by adding a filter in Responses by Question, then download a filtered summary report PDF or Word document. Both give you the same charts and tables you’re used to seeing in a summary report, but now excluding any data you’re not interested in. This will make for faster reporting and less time spent manipulating data.

Other improvements

We’ve sped up the PDF report on the dashboard, so you’ll be able to grab a summary PDF of your activity’s responses quicker than ever before. This release also includes accessibility improvements, some Geospatial tweaks and a few bug fixes. 

All of these changes will be rolled out to your site during your standard upgrade window - just contact your Customer Success Manager if you’d like to know more.