Release notes: Citizen Space v5.11

Citizen Space v5.11 will be rolled out to all customers in the week beginning 7th September 2020.

It is an analysis and reporting themed release, based squarely on feedback from our admin users.

Below you can read about the main changes, but as ever there is a whole lot more 'under the hood'. 

What's new?

It is now possible to exclude 'not answered' from tables and charts

A lot of you want to view, filter and group your results data without the 'not answered' responses being included in the total percentages. This is now possible, using a new 'Include Not Answered' or 'Do not include Not Answered' radio buttons option. 

A new 'Display options' heading

As can be seen in the screenshot above, we have a new 'Display Options' heading in what was previously the 'Filtering and Grouping' stack. This heading has changed to reflect the new option, to display your responses with or without 'Not Answered'.

Some new filtering options have been added

It is now possible to filter your responses by the following:

  • 'Not answered' - This is different to the ability to exclude 'not answered' from tables and charts, and is a way for you to choose to filter for and then view responses for those that didn't answer a specific question. 
  • Analyst notes, using a keyword search - Available once any analyst notes have been added.
  • Whether a file upload component has been answered or not - And therefore whether there is a file uploaded to the question. 
  • Whether a response has been analysed or not - Useful for those of you using the analysis tools in Citizen Space to help with analysis workflows and the like.

We have added some additional table titles and helpful words here and there

You will notice some additional table titles and some small snippets of extra text here and there on the 'Responses by Question' page.  

These will also appear in the PDF and .docx summary reports, and will show the following:

  • 'Total response numbers' in more places than before.
  • Which filters have been applied to the charts and tables you are seeing.
  • Short descriptions of groupings that have been applied.

If you have more than 1000 responses, these are now paginated

In the happy scenario of receiving more than 1000 responses to a qualitative component (a free text box for example) your responses will now be paginated in increments of 1000. This reduces the need for admin users to scroll down a potentially long page to see responses. It also means that Citizen Space only needs to find and display 1000 responses at once, reducing page load times and the risk of page timeouts for those of you in the even happier scenario of many thousands of responses