Release notes: Citizen Space v5.6

Citizen Space v5.6 will be rolled out to all customers in the week commencing 2nd December 2019.

Several of the latest releases from our Kaizen (continuous improvement) milestone process have delivered longed-for improvements and even a couple of shiny new answer components, but that means we were about due for a more lowkey, humdrum, ironing-out-the-creases release and that's what Citizen Space v5.6 is all about.

This one is mostly behind-the-scenes tucks and tweaks, including fixes for bugs that you hopefully haven't encountered, with a couple of visible changes which you can read more about below.

'Add a response manually' view will list all errors at the top of the page

We've made another improvement to the 'Add a response manually' view where you can input offline responses. Previously, if you tried to add a response and missed any validation (such as a required question or not entering the correct content in a specific component) Citizen Space would alert you that there was at least one error but you had to scroll through the survey to spot the error text and fix the problem. We've hopefully made life a bit easier for your users by changing it so that any missed validation will now be listed in error messages which stack up at the top of the page, including links allowing you to whizz directly to each component that needs looking at.

The file upload component debuts a new look for Autumn/Winter 2019

We've made some changes to the user experience of the public-facing file upload component.* The button to choose a file is now bigger with a cleaner design and, once the respondent has selected a file, another button will now appear giving them the option to clear the file if they wish (previously, there was no way to remove a file once chosen).

There is also a new message which appears in light yellow, once a file has been selected, to let the respondent know that changes will only be saved once they continue to another page in the survey.

If a respondent returns to a page with a file upload component where they've already uploaded a file, they'll see a message in light blue letting them know they can keep the existing file, remove it or replace it by uploading a different file if they choose.

*Please note, we recommend keeping the number of file upload components in a survey to a minimum (or even better we recommend you avoid using them at all) as uploading multiple files to your responses can slow your site down and introduce security risks.

And much more...

As mentioned above this release has also tidied up a whole bunch of little niggles including the usual bug fixes, behind the scenes security and performance improvements.