Release notes: Citizen Space v3.10

Citizen Space v3.10 was rolled out to all customers on Tuesday 15th May 2018.

Customisable password policies

It's common for our customers to have organisation-wide password policies and understandably many of you would like for your Citizen Space platform to follow the same rules. You can now create a default password setting across your site so that all new passwords created by users must meet certain criteria. For example, you can:

  • set a minimum number of characters required;
  • make certain types of characters required, such as lower case letters, upper case letters or numbers; and
  • ban particular words from being used anywhere in the password (for example, the old favourite "password").

If you'd like to configure the password settings on your Citizen Space site, please get in touch with your customer success manager.

Keeping Response IDs visible

We made some changes to the "Response Submitted" acknowledgement page in the online survey. Regardless of any text edits made to this page, the Response ID will now always appear clearly at the top so that your respondents don't miss it.

When a respondent completes and submits a response to a consultation, they're directed to an acknowledgement page with the message 'Your response has been submitted' and are also given a unique Response ID number. The other text on this page is editable on a per consultation basis and in the past, if further text or images were added, it would push the 'Your response ID is XXXX-...' text further down the page. We've put paid to that.

Further changes to suspended users

As part of our GDPR-flavoured work, we've been reviewing the different communications Citizen Space sends your internal users. If a Citizen Space admin no longer requires access to the platform, a Site Admin is able to 'suspend' this user. Prior to this update, Citizen Space would continue to send automated email notifications to these suspended users in relation to consultations that they'd previously been involved in. We stopped these email alerts so if a user is suspended, they'll no longer receive automated emails from Citizen Space. 

The WYSIWYG bar just got wizzier

You might spot that the CKEditor - or, as we like to call it, the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) bar - has had a makeover, because we updated it to the newest version available (it's a third party plug-in). The updated version is simply more stable and secure, and it generally just looks a bit better!

The CKEditor is the toolbar that appears across the top of most text fields in the admin side of Citizen Space, where you can edit text and insert photos/images/PDFs etc.