Release notes: Citizen Space v3.8

Citizen Space v3.8 was rolled out to all Citizen Space customers on Tuesday 20 March 2018.

What's new 

Consultation completion checkbox

There’s a new optional feature called 'Consultation completion' which allows a consultation owner to indicate once they’ve finished working with the data and all work on that consultation is complete. When switched on, this tool appears on the consultation dashboard.

This feature was requested by the Scottish Government and is designed to help administrators from all organisations manage data retention periods. By logging the date that all work was completed on the consultation, it means your organisation will now have a record of how long it’s holding data for, making it easier to keep in line with data protection guidelines.

Automatic logout for internal admins after one month

To strengthen the security of Citizen Space, we’ve added an automatic logout period. Your internal admins’ log-in sessions will now expire one month after they last used Citizen Space. This time period is configurable so we can reduce it for your site if need be – if you’d like to make it a shorter time period, please get in touch with your customer success manager.

Changes to suspended users

Suspended users will now see an on-screen message telling them that their account has been suspended if they try to log in.

This message is editable by site admins, so your organisation can provide guidance about who users should contact if they want to get their profile reinstated. They will also no longer appear in the drop-down list of potential owners on the Manage Consultations page.

Improved reliability for response exports

A couple of customers with a high number of responses to their consultations recently experienced a problem exporting the spreadsheet of all responses. They found that the export would time out without letting them know that the request had failed. We’ve made some changes to the process so that the export is much more reliable, especially for consultations with a high number of responses, and the user will now be shown an update in real time of how many responses Citizen Space has added to the export so far.

Google Analytics removed from admin pages

A customer got in contact asking how they could filter out Citizen Space admin pages when viewing their Google Analytics data. We’ve changed Citizen Space so that only its public-facing pages will appear in Google Analytics data from now on, enabling you to concentrate on the more useful data about what your respondents have been up to on the site.

Improved loading times for Moderate Responses

We’ve made some changes to the Moderate Responses page which means that it will now load much more quickly for consultations with a high number of responses.

🎵 How niche is your bug? 🎶

Last but not least, the UK Ministry of Justice recently discovered an impressively niche bug in Citizen Space. They found that on a survey page which started with the sentence “We recognise how important…”, the formatting of the text went a bit haywire because the word “import” had been placed at the 20th character of the first line of text on the page, when the moon was full and Saturn was in ascendant (okay maybe not that last bit…)

Suffice to say there’s a complicated technical context for why this was happening, but the executive summary is: our developer Alan is a legend for figuring out what was going wrong, and we’ve now ironed out that little bit of strangeness.