Integration - how to integrate Citizen Space into existing website

Integrating Citizen Space into your corporate website or blog gives your engagement activities, and your engagement practice, wider exposure. 

Great! How do I do that?

There are 2 main options for integrating Citizen Space into an existing website:

Add a link to Citizen Space from your site 

The simplest way to integrate is to link to Citizen Space from your main website. This is quick and easy to do but it doesn't present any of the key information to the end user. You may link to the site homepage, or to individual activities.

Use our API (Application Programming Interface) for Citizen Space

Using our Citizen Space API provides the most powerful level of integration. The API adds further filtering power and the ability to design the look of the list of activities that are returned.  It will require some technical implementation by your web person/team, but does not require any involvement or incur any additional costs from Delib.

Can't I just embed my Citizen Space site directly into my existing website?

For security reasons, you're unable to embed Citizen Space in an iframe on another website.