Which question types can be used for conditional Skip Logic?

Skip Logic, also known as survey routing or branching, allows you to change the way a respondent progresses through your online survey, depending on their answer to particular questions.  For an overview of skip logic and hints on how to plan your survey please see How do I design a survey with skip logic?

Conditional skip logic rules can only be applied to question components that yield a single, quantitative answer.  These are:

  • Radio buttons
  • Single checkbox (yes/no)
  • Dropdown list
  • Matrix of radio buttons
  • Matrix of dropdown lists
  • 'Geo select' answer interaction (only available with Citizen Space Geospatial)

Conditional skip logic cannot be applied to question components that collect qualitative data (e.g. text boxes) or that allow respondents to submit several possible answers (e.g. checkboxes).  This is because responses to these questions could provide ambiguous information about where to take the respondent next. 

For this same reason, skip logic rules can be applied only to the possible answers for one of the questions or statements within a matrix component. If you want respondents to a matrix component to be routed to a specific page based on their response to one question or statement only, it is fine to apply skip logic to that question or statement. However, you will need to break a matrix component up into separate questions across separate pages if you want respondents to be directed to multiple different pages depending on their answers to more than one question or statement within the matrix. We recommend considering whether a different answer component might be more appropriate when using skip logic.

Does the respondent have to answer the routing question in order to proceed?

No, you do not need to set the question to 'required' just because it's used for skip logic.  When you set up a conditional skip logic rule, you have to specify a destination page to be used if the respondent doesn't answer the question. In the case of single checkbox answers, not ticking the checkbox is automatically interpreted as answering "No".

Of course, if a response to this question is required for your own operational reasons, then you can still set it to 'required' when you create it.  General information on setting up survey questions.