Analyse or report on surveys with Skip Logic
For the most part, you shouldn't notice any major changes to your analysis and reporting when using Skip Logic rules in your survey. However, you should be aware of your respondents' journeys through the survey and analyse the data accordingly.
For example, a common conditional question for skip logic is "Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?". This means you effectively have two surveys - one for organisations and the other for individuals. You can then analyse the data for each group independently by using filters.
Let's say we wanted to start by looking at our 'Individuals' responses:
1. Go to Responses Organised by Question.

2. Then select your 'conditional' question (in this case, "Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?")
3. To look at all the responses given by anyone that said they were an individual, select the total number to take you through to the next page showing those responses
4. Finally, download your .xlsx file of filtered responses. This will contain what every person who said they were an 'Individual' has answered for each question
Things to note:
- It is possible that some responses may contain answers for more than one route through the survey. This can happen if a respondent chooses one answer to a conditional question, then goes back to the beginning of the survey, changes their answer to the conditional question and then follows a new route through the survey. Citizen Space does not delete answers to the un-followed route, as this allows the respondent to go back and change their mind several times, and their original answers will still be available to them. Because of this, you should not make assumptions about a respondent's final route based on the presence or absence of answers on destination pages; you should follow the steps above to filter your responses based solely on answers to the conditional question.
- On the 'Responses by Question' pages, percentages are all based on the total number of respondents (or number of respondents matching the current filters), and not the number of respondents who answered (or saw) a specific page. This is the same as when analysing non-linear surveys in Citizen Space, where your respondents may have only answered questions in one or two chapters. You can choose to not display not answered which can be very helpful!
- On the 'Analyse Responses' page you will see every question on all pages, even if the respondent did not see that page. This is so you are able to apply tags on certain questions if required.