Responses - associating responses

You may wish to associate responses if you feel that someone has submitted multiple responses. Associating responses could also be used to group respondents that belong to a particular demographic, or work for the same organisation.

To associate responses, go to your dashboard and click Responses organised by respondent. You will see a table listing all the respondents to date:

List of responses in the Response organised by respondent screen with two responses ticked from the same organisation and the associate selected button outlined.

Select the responses you would like to associate by using the tick boxes and then clicking on Associate Selected.

On the next page, you'll see your associated responses:

Associated responses screen with the selected responses.

If you click on a response that has response(s) associated with it, the associated response(s) will also be displayed. 

Response screen of an associated response that lists the associated responses.

Please note: The association between responses is not included in the .xlsx export of responses.