The .docx summary report - what does it include

The .docx summary report is an editable version of the PDF summary report, intended to be a useful head-start on creating your own bespoke report.

It's not identical to the PDF summary report - it doesn't contain the index at the start or any logos - but is designed to be a pared-down template, giving you the flexibility to customise how information is presented and what content is included, so you can edit to add your own logo(s), colours and additional context tailored to your specific needs.

In this article we’ll discuss the following:

How does the report deal with quantitative questions?

  • Quantitative questions offer respondents the option to select either:

    one answer from selections provided, e.g. radio buttons, dropdown lists, single tick-boxes;

    or multiple answers from selections provided, e.g. checkboxes.

  • The answers for each quantitative component are displayed in a chart followed by a table:

Screenshot of a quantitative question in a summary report, showing chart followed by table with breakdown of answer totals and percentages.

How does the report deal with qualitative questions?

For text and other qualitative questions, the total number of responses to that part of the question is shown, but qualitative answers are not included in the report in order to keep the data anonymous:

Screenshot of a qualitative question in a summary report, simply stating how many responses there were to that question.

Tags from qualitative responses will not show in the summary report. A full export of all responses, or all responses including analyst fields (such as tags), can still be downloaded in .xlsx format at any time.

How to generate the .docx summary report

As soon as an activity has received a response, the link to download the summary report as a .docx will appear on the dashboard under the heading 'Responses to this Activity' on the left hand side:

Responses to this Activity section on Dashboard with Download Summary Report (DOCX) highlighted.

Once selected, the user will see the report request page, showing progress as the report is generated (this is the same as when a .xlsx export is requested):

Generating your export page with link to download the report.

Download a filtered summary .docx report

Cut straight to the information you need by adding a filter for the data you want to include in a report in 'Responses Organised by Question'. Then download a filtered summary report .docx.

Screenshot of Responses Organised by Question screen with a filter applied for only respondents who've stated that are happy with the proposal. The download links for the PDF and .docx report are outlined.

The filtered report will give you the same charts and tables you’re used to seeing in a full .docx summary report, but now excluding any data you’re not interested in.