What is the dashboard?

The dashboard is the admin landing page for your activities. Each activity has its own dashboard. This article breaks down the sections of the dashboard.

A. Activity build

This holds all of the links you'll need to create your activity, manage its theme, preview it and more.

Top of Dashboard when you can't publish or retract.
  1. Edit Activity Details: add the basic information about your activity such as the title, Overview and contact information here.
  2. Activity type: you can choose from four types. Our example above shows an Online Survey.
  3. Set up Response Publishing: Response Publishing is an optional feature and it might not be enabled on your site. Read our article about Response Publishing for some information on this feature, and speak to your customer success manager if you'd like to know more.
  4. Manage Theme: change the look of your activity by adding a specific banner image or logos.
  5. Preview Activity: see your survey as the public will see it.
  6. Status: this shows whether your survey is 'Published' or 'Unpublished'.
  7. Dates: how many days until your survey opens or closes, and, when closed, the number of days it's been closed.
  8. Publish and Retract buttons: the Publish button will be available for use when your survey has all of the required information. A message stating "You currently cannot publish or retract this activity" will appear if your survey is missing required details. You can choose to 'Retract', if your survey has already been published and you need to make a minor change.
  9. Share Preview Link: create a preview link to share, so that colleagues can test your survey before you publish it.
  10. Print Survey: gives you access to a print-friendly version of your survey.
  11. Clone this Activity: if you're regularly running repeat activities, such as staff surveys, you might find it useful to clone an existing activity.
  12. Delete this Activity: only choose this option if you're certain that you want to delete your survey: there is no trash folder, so your survey will be permanently deleted.

B. Responses to this Activity

Check in on your response data in this section.

Responses to this Activity section on Dashboard.
  1. The number of completed responses: a running total of fully completed and submitted responses.
  2. Responses Organised by Question: check responses by question and filter and group them to identify key themes.
  3. Download summary report (PDF): select this for a summary of your responses. You will receive a download of a PDF or DOCX file
  4. Download summary report (DOCX): select this for a DOCX summary of your responses - this summary is editable unlike the PDF one
  5. Responses Organised by Respondent: explore and download respondents' submissions individually.
  6. Add a response manually: enter any paper/email responses to your survey here.
  7. Download all responses: download an .xlsx file of all of your responses to carry out further analysis using Excel or another software package.
  8. Download all responses including analyst fields: as above, this will give you an .xlsx file of all responses, but this file includes any analyst text or tags you've added.
  9. Removed responses: view and manage responses you've removed from the response data.

C. Analyse and tag responses

Quickly check on the number (and percentage) of responses analysed, and explore analysis in more depth.

Analyse and Tag Responses on dashboard.
  1. Analyse Responses: review, tag and interpret each response.
  2. Manage Analysts: assign Analysts to your survey.

D. Moderate responses

You must have Response Publishing enabled to view this feature. Speak to your customer success manager if you'd like to know more.

Moderate Responses section on Dashboard.

Detailed instructions on this section can be found in our article on how to moderate responses.

E. Publish responses

Publish responses section on the activity dashboard.

Detailed instructions on this section can be found in our article on how to manage published responses and how to edit the public responses page.

F. Mailing List

If you're not using a third-party mailing list (like Mailchimp, GovDelivery etc) this section can be used to enable respondents to sign up to alerts about your survey. If you use a third-party mailing list then it'll be a link to allow you to log in to your account with that provider (if you've given us the provider name and URL).

Enabled mailing list on Dashboard.

G. Outcomes

You can use this section to let stakeholders and respondents know about the outcome of your survey.

Outcomes viewlet on Dashboard.
  1. Publish Results: upload reports of your findings, and link to results published on other websites.
  2. We Asked, You Said, We Did: provide a simple summary of your survey and what happened as a result of it. This information is published after your survey has closed.

If you are a Site Admin, you can make your survey a Featured Activity so that it appears more prominently on your site homepage.

Featured activity section on activity dashboard.