Filtering and Grouping of responses
Question Grouping and Filtering are used to cross-reference respondents' answers.
Filtering allows you to look at how a question was answered only by a specific group of respondents (eg, in a certain age bracket or from a certain area).
Grouping allows you to directly cross-reference responses between 2 questions.
Filtering responses
Step 1
From the dashboard, select either Responses Organised by Question or Responses Organised by Respondent. These links are on the left hand side of the dashboard, under 'Responses to this Activity'.
Step 2
If using 'Responses organised by Respondent'
Under Filter responses by question, select the question you want to filter by and click 'Add Filter'. As well as filtering by question, you also have the option to select from 4 additional filters. These additional filters allow you to filter responses by response ID; by whether or not a response has been analysed; by the date the responses were submitted; and by which pages of the activity the respondent visited.
Tick the box next to the answer you want to filter by and click 'Apply'.
You will now only see the responses that answered that question according to your selections. You can keep adding filters to narrow the number of responses down in the same way.
To remove a filter, just select 'Remove' on the one you wish to get rid of. You can also select the 'Clear All' button which will clear all filters and any grouping applied.
If using 'Responses organised by Question'
Select the question you want to apply your filter to. For this example, we are going to look at the question, 'Who is your favourite Beatle?'.

Select the question or additional filter you wish to filter by from the drop down list and then 'Add Filter'. You will now see the Filtering and Grouping box.
You will now see only the responses from those who chose John as their favourite Beatle — which is 29 respondents.
You can narrow this down further by filtering with the 'How old are you?' question. To do that, select the 'How old are you?' question from the drop down, then 'Add Filter'. You can select more than one option — in this example the '30 or under' and '31-45' age brackets are selected to enable us to see responses from anyone who selected John as their favourite Beatle and is from the 30 or under and 31-45 age brackets.
In this case, 12 respondents selected John as their favourite Beatle and are either 30 or under or 31 to 45 years old.
You can keep adding filters in the same way to continue to narrow the number of responses down.
To remove a filter, just click 'Remove'.
Grouping responses
Step 1
From the dashboard, select Responses Organised by Question. This link is on the left hand side of the screen, under 'Responses to this Activity'.
Step 2
Select the question you want to cross-reference from. We are going to stick with the question, 'Who is your favourite Beatle?' to show the difference between filtering and grouping.

Step 3
As with filtering, once you've selected a question you will see the Filtering and Grouping box.
We want to Group 'Who is your favourite Beatle?' by answers to the question 'How old are you?', so we select this option from the Grouping drop down menu:
Then select 'Apply' to apply the grouping. Now we can see how the question was answered according to the respondent's answers to two questions — both in a table and a chart.
As with filtering, it is possible to include or exclude 'not answered' from the charts or graphs, which you can read more about in our article detailing that option.
Download filtered summary PDF or .docx report
There is the option to download a summary report based on your applied filters and display options. Set any filters and display options and then select your preferred filtered summary report format to download in 'Responses Organised by Question'.
Removing your filters and/or groupings
You can do this one by one by selecting the 'x' by each filter, or returning the grouping dropdown to 'Please select'. However, if you want to remove all the filters and any grouping you have applied, select the 'Clear all' button.