Using Citizen Space in multiple languages

Citizen Space is primarily available in English. However the platform can also support activities and other content being presented in Welsh. This article provides more information on using Citizen Space in multiple languages.

How do I create content in Welsh?

We can set up your Citizen Space site so that visitors can toggle between English and Welsh using a language dropdown and view all pages and activities in either language. This includes hard-coded content in the platform such as headings, open and close dates, and button text.

The main thing to bear in mind is that there is no automatic translation within Citizen Space. While standard hard-coded headings and button text are in Welsh, any content you add needs to be translated by you and then either supplied to Delib (e.g. for policy pages) or uploaded directly by you to your site (e.g. for activity content).

We can switch on a language dropdown in your site that allows your internal admins to select which language an activity is in, for example when creating new activities moving forward. This then makes it possible for us to set up two versions of your homepage and filter the correct version of each activity onto the appropriate version of the homepage.

We can also upload Welsh versions of all additional pages on the site including policy pages.

If it's helpful you can see a couple of examples of live customer sites which are already using Welsh below - see the top right-hand corner of the homepage for the dropdown which controls which language the page is viewed in:

To do something similar with your Citizen Space site, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager. They can can talk you through the process and enable the necessary settings in your site.

I'm interested in seeing another language supported in Citizen Space

Translating Citizen Space into Welsh has been a huge piece of work for Delib's engineers, but it felt necessary due to the law requiring all public sector organisations in Wales to present both English and Welsh as equivalent.

Delib is open to receiving requests for other languages to be supported in Citizen Space in a similar way. However, given the amount of work involved in such an undertaking, it will only be possible where there is significant demand for that language - for example because it is recognised as an official state language in a particular country/territory, or because many of our customer organisations often need to present content in that particular language.

Please send any requests either to or speak to your Customer Success Manager in the first instance.