The Almost Done... page

The penultimate page in every online survey is always the Almost Done... page. This page is an opportunity for respondents to receive a link to a PDF copy of their submission if they choose, and means that respondents who would prefer to remain anonymous can still receive an acknowledgement and a record of their submission. The email addresses entered on this page are not stored as data, they are simply used in a transaction between the respondent and the system.

This page cannot be removed. However respondents will see two different views depending on how you set up the survey.

Almost done page if the standard 'email address' question is included and answered

If the email address question from the 3 standard questions is not deleted and the respondent enters their email address into this component, then on the Almost Done... page this will pre-populate the email address field and the respondent will see the below message.

Screenshot of Almost Done screen when email question is used states: When you submit your response, you will be sent a receipt and a link to a PDF copy of your response.

Almost done page if the standard 'email address' question was not included or answered

Respondents will see the below message if any of the following has occurred:

  • The email address question and component were removed
  • The email address question and component were removed and a new email address question was added in
  • There was an email address component included in the survey but the respondent did not fill it in

Screenshot of Almost Done page when email question is not included or not answered in the survey: If you provide an email address you will be sent a receipt and a link to a PDF copy of your response.

Editing the Almost Done page text

You can edit the text that appears on this page on a site wide basis. See our article on editable pages for more details.