Citizen Space email notifications for internal users
Citizen Space sends email notifications to let users within your organisation know about activity on the platform, and externally, to communicate with respondents to your activities. This article is about the different email notifications that internal admin users may receive from Citizen Space; please see this article for information about the email notifications that respondents may receive.
All Citizen Space organisations will use, and all Citizen Space emails will come from this email address.
It is important to note that this email's inbox is not monitored, and replies will not be forwarded. If admin users respond to a notification email, they will not get a response.
Automated Citizen Space emails can sometimes end up in spam / junk folders or get blocked by internal firewalls. If there's any doubt, we (Delib) may be able to check the mail logs to make sure an email did get sent.
What email notifications are sent to Citizen Space administrators?
- Account setup email - New admin users will receive an email to notify them of their login details and invite them to complete setting up their account. This notification needs to be triggered manually when adding the user. The new user has 3 days to complete setting up their account, otherwise the account setup email will need to be re-triggered.
- New activity notification - Site Administrators will receive an email on creation of a new activity in the site (this option can be disabled).
- Activity opening notification - Activity owners will receive an email when their activity changes from 'Forthcoming' to 'Open'.
- Activity closure notification - Activity owners will receive an email when their activity changes from 'Open' to 'Closed'.
- Activity owner re-assignment - The new and old activity owner will be notified when the owner is changed.
- Clone complete notification - An admin user who clones an existing activity will receive an email when the clone is complete.
- Password reset email - If an administrator requests a password reset, it will come from this address. The user has 24 hours to reset their password, otherwise they will need to request a password reset again.
- Log in back-off - If this security feature is enabled on your site (it is now default on all new sites) then an admin user will get an email if the log in back-off has been triggered for their account
- Changes to email or password via a user profile - An admin user will get an email if their password or email address has been changed on their Citizen Space profile
- 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) disabled on their account - If this security feature is enabled on your site and has been enabled on the user’s account, they will get an email if 2FA is then disabled for any reason.