Related documents and links - how to add to the activity overview page
Related links, activities and documents can be added to the homepage of your activity through the 'Edit Activity Details' link on your dashboard.

Here, you can add related links, activities and documents.
In this article we’ll look at the following:
- Adding related links
- Adding related documents
- Amending uploaded documents
- What it looks like to respondents
Adding related links
Select 'Add a link to a related site', and add your link in the URL field and your hyperlink text or title in the Title field.

Adding related activities
A related activity must be one that is run on the Citizen Space platform. To add this, simply copy and paste the link for the activity into the URL field and give it a 'Title' using the title field. If you choose not to fill in the 'Title' field, the url will be used as the link text for the related activity.
Adding related documents
You can add as many related documents as you like. Select the button 'Add a document' and enter the link text you wish respondents to see. There is a grey button underneath to choose the file you want to upload.

Once you've finished adding documents, ensure that all the completed fields are saved by clicking the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page.
You can re-order the documents that have been uploaded at any time by clicking and dragging them into a different order, or alternatively by using the green arrows on the right-hand side of each bar.
Amending uploaded documents
The 'Edit Activity Details' part of Citizen Space allows you to change most things within it even after your activity is published. You can re-order the documents you've already uploaded and/or change their link text, and you can add further documents.
However, if you're amending a live activity and the changes you're planning to make to the related documents might affect how existing respondents would have responded (for example, if you are providing extra information which could sway their opinion), then you may wish to contact them to let them know.
What it looks like to respondents
The links to other sites and to any documents you have uploaded will appear on the homepage of your activity.
Documents and links will be displayed on the overview page.