Fact banks

A fact bank is a piece of explanatory text in an activity which can be opened and closed by your respondents. It’s a useful way to present supporting information as it can be easily accessed by those who need it but doesn’t dominate the page.

Survey question with a fact bank - What is 'gongoozling'?

Survey question with a fact bank that has been opened - What is 'gongoozling'? With the answer 'An interest in canals' now showing.

Fact banks can be added to any page in your activity, including the Overview. They can contain text, an image, a PDF or rich media (such as video content).

You can add fact banks in Citizen Space via a fact bank block, using the ‘Embed’ button on the text editor bar, or as an answer component, depending on where you’d like the fact bank to be:

Add a fact bank to an Overview

To add a fact bank to an Overview choose the ‘Embed’ button at the top of the text editor bar then ‘Fact bank’.

Citizen Space text editor bar with the 'Embed' button selected showing the dropdown list of options, including the new option for 'fact bank.

Complete the fact bank by adding a title and content and selecting Save. The title will be displayed on the page and the content will open when the title is selected. 

Add a fact bank to the top of a survey page

Once you have added a page to your online survey, you are given the option to input a heading and content to appear in the fact bank:

Screenshot showing the edit page screen, with the option to add a fact bank.

Please note that adding a fact bank is optional. If you choose to leave the fact bank section blank, it will not appear on your page.

Add a fact bank to a question

You can also add a fact bank to appear as part of a question. After you have added your question you can add a fact bank in the add/edit answer components section:

The fact bank option selected in the list of answer component types when adding a new component to a question. Screenshot.

You can then add the text or embedded media you want displayed in your fact bank:

You can choose whether you want your fact bank to appear before or after the answer component of the question, by using the 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' links shown below:

Here's an example of what a fact bank looks like when it appears above the answer component in a question:

Fact bank component located within a question, above the answer component options. Screenshot.