Saved pages

The 'saved pages' feature allows site admins to save a whole page of questions and accompanying answer components, which can then be used by anyone creating an activity.

This will speed things along if you need to ask the same set of questions more than once in a survey, or if you want to have a consistent approach to a specific page across a number of activities (such as a demographics page). 

In this article we’ll looking at:

How to add an existing saved page to an activity

Head to section 2 of the activity dashboard, Online survey. If saved pages have already been created by a site admin in your organisation, there'll be an option on the left under Online Survey settings to Add a saved page. When you select this link you'll be able to choose from all of the saved pages stored on your site. 

If you've added a saved page and it's not quite right for your activity, you can move questions around or delete them to suit your needs (just as you can with any other page).

How to create a saved page

To create a saved page, you'll need to be a site admin. Build your page as you normally would, then when you're happy with it, select Edit, move or delete this page from the side bar on the left. 

Survey navigation menu with a survey page sub-menu opened with the option to edit, more or delete this page circled.

You'll then have an option to Copy to saved pages.

Survey page with the link to 'copy to saved pages' circled.

When you select this link you'll find that you can choose to keep the title of the page as it is, or change it to something else. You can also add a description of the page if you like.

Copy to saved pages screen.

When you select the Copy to saved pages button your saved page will be available to anyone creating an activity in your organisation.

How to manage saved pages

If you're a site admin you can also quickly check on your site's saved pages, change their names, add descriptions or delete them altogether. Select the Site dropdown from the admin bar across the top of the page, then Settings. Here you'll find the link Saved Pages, which takes you to a table of all pages saved in your site.

Site Settings navigation with Saved Pages highlighted.

Note: Updating or deleting saved pages won't affect any of your existing activities that have used or are using that saved page.

One point to note

If you save a page which contains any of the 3 standard questions, their special functionality will not be saved.