Embeddable maps

Along with images, PDFs, rich media, accessible tables and fact banks, it is possible to embed Citizen Space Geospatial maps on certain pages within your Citizen Space activities. This enables you to display fully interactive Geospatial maps, including all of their associated data layers and layer attributes, on activity Overviews, on survey pages and even within questions themselves.

You can even include a respondent's previous interaction with the map, allowing you to ask a series follow-up questions relating to a mapping page on a subsequent page while displaying the respondent's response as crucial context. (For data security reasons, user responses will not display in maps embedded from other activities, only in maps embedded from within the same activity.)

You can embed maps to the following:

  • Overview pages
  • Tables of contents for non-linear surveys
  • Survey pages
  • Text answer components
  • Completion messages
  • Publish results
  • Published responses

How to embed a map

  1. Create and set up a mapping page. (These mapping pages can be hosted within the same activity as the page on which the map will be embedded, or you can embed maps from other activities.)
  2. On the page you want to embed the map, place the cursor in the content entry field where you want the embed to be located on the page.
  3. Use the 'Embed' button in the text editor bar to select 'Map' from the dropdown menu.

    The content entry field of a Citizen Space Overview editing page with the embed dropdown menu open and the 'Map' option highlighted

  4. From the Map tab, select the map you wish to display. Use the dropdown options to select the department, activity, and relevant mapping page within the activity. (Please note that if your map is in a separate activity from the one where you wish to embed it, the other activity needs to be published in order for your map to display. This separate activity can be private however, and the maps will still display in public activities.)

    Map tab

  5. On the 'Accessibility' tab you will need to provide a short label or title for the embedded map and a longer, more detailed description of the map and its contents that will be read out or otherwise displayed by assistive technologies. (Please note, that in line with Delib's commitment to accessibility, this accessible label and description is required to embed your map.)

    Acessibility tab

  6. On the 'Options' tab, select additional settings you wish to display, i.e. the original mapping page question settings, the user's response, the map key, and the search function. (Please note these will all be enable by default and must be switched off manually if you don't want them to appear on the embedded map.)

    Options tab

  7. On the 'Size' tab you can adjust the width/height of map if needed.

    Size tab

  8. Finally select 'OK', and save the page.

As with embedded PDFs and Rich media, you won't see the map in the text editor. You will need to use the 'Preview' link to see how it will appear to your respondents on the front end.

If you need to edit the map settings after embedding it, you can reopen the embedded map settings dialogue box by double clicking on the icon representing the map in the content entry field.

Embedded interactive maps are only available to Citizen Space Geospatial customers. If you would like to add Geospatial to your Citizen Space subscription, please get in touch with your customer success manager.