Generating a QR code for a Citizen Space activity

Once you have created your activity, you can generate a QR code for the activity from two places. 

1. In ‘1. Edit Activity Details’ from draft or published activities:

To the right of ‘Activity URL’, you will have the option to 'Download QR Code'. 

Download QR Code within edit activity details.

2. Directly from the dashboard of published activities:

Once you have published your activity, the 'Download QR Code' link can also be found to the right hand side of your URL on the dashboard.

Download QR Code for published activity.

When you select 'Download QR Code' it will download as a .png image file. 

Note: If you edit your URL after generating a QR code, you will need to download a new QR code so that it will direct your respondents to the new edited URL.