Question numbering

If you have selected 'Online Survey' as the activity type, you can build questions within your survey and choose how you would like these questions to be numbered. This can be done within the Online Survey Settings section which can be accessed from - 2. Online Survey from the dashboard .

If you are not building an online survey, learn more about types of Citizen Space activities here

In the Online Survey Settings section, the second option on the page is the question numbering drop down menu. Select the type of numbering that is most appropriate for your survey.

Online survey settings with section for setting the numnbering.

Numbering options:

  • Continuous numbering: set as the default option. This is useful for linear surveys, which run from start to finish in continuous pages.
  • Restart numbering on each page: this option is useful for non-linear (also known as table of contents) surveys and also for linear surveys that use Skip Logic. Restarting the numbering on each page makes it less confusing for respondents who will not see all the pages nor answer all the questions.
  • Custom numbering: is useful when you are consulting on something such as a policy document and you need to reflect the numbering within the policy, i.e. 2.1(a) and 2.1(b).
  • Don't show numbering: can be used if your online survey is less formal and more of an information gathering exercise. Be mindful that not having numbers on questions can make it difficult for admins to refer to - if you have a very large survey you may want to have some form of reference when discussing the different questions with colleagues.