Answer components - the different types of answer components

The online survey tool in Citizen Space allows you to use many common answer components, including free text, multiple choice, choice matrices, rankings and file uploads.

You can add more than one answer component to a question if you wish. This is useful if you have, for example, a multiple choice component followed by a free text 'Other' field.

This article will take you through the below answer components:

Text Boxes

Single line text

Designed for short free text answers:

Single line text question example.

You can also apply validation to a single line text component to specify that any text entered by a respondent must match one or more pre-defined words or phrases. Learn how to add validation rules.

Multiple Line Text

For free text answers when you want or expect answers to be longer than a line:

The respondent view of multiple lines text answer component with the character limit set to 1000 characters.

The default maximum character limit on these text boxes is 32,000 characters. However you can add an optional lower character limit to multiple line text responses. Find out how to set a custom character limit.

Email Address

Automatically detects that the answer is required in the format of an email address (, which is useful if you require an email address in order to submit a response:

Email question example.


Automatically checks that the answer is the right format for a postcode in your territory:

Postcode question example.


Only allows the respondent to enter a numeric value in digits (e.g. 27):

Number question example.

Date and Time


Only allows the respondent to enter a numeric date (e.g. 13-04-1977):

Date boundaries question example.

Multiple Choice

Radio buttons

These allow respondents to select only one answer from a list of choices:

Radio button example on frontend Introduction page.

You can read more about the difference between radio buttons and checkboxes here.


Gives respondents the opportunity to select more than one option:

Checkbox example on frontend Introduction page.

You can read more about the difference between radio buttons and checkboxes here.

Dropdown list

An alternative way of allowing recipients to select one answer from a list of choices:

Dropdown question example.

Note: Answers in a dropdown list do not wrap, so long answers may not display in full on mobile screens. We'd recommend using radio buttons if any of your answers are more than approximately 20 characters.

Matrix of choices

Allows you to set up multiple rows of checkboxes, radio buttons or dropdown lists with the same set of options for each one. Learn more about setting up matrix questions in this article. 

A matrix of radio buttons allows respondents to select one option in each row:

Matrix question radios example.

A matrix of checkboxes allows respondents to select more than one option in each row:

Matrix question checkboxes example.

A matrix of dropdown lists is an alternative way to allow respondents to select one answer from a list of choices. This should be used in preference to radio buttons if the answer options are long or if there are more than five of them.

Screenshot showing example of matrix component with dropdowns as input.


Allows respondents to rank a number of items in order of priority or preference. More information on ranking question components.

Ranking question component example. Ranking question component with dropdown to select answer option. Once ranked, that answer option position is no longer available.

Single checkbox (Yes/No)

A single tick box to allow a ‘yes/no’ or similar response to a question or statement:

Single Checkbox question example.


File upload

If your organisation's site has this component switched on, respondents can upload a file for their answer such as a Word document or a PDF file - respondents can only upload one file per file upload answer component. There may be a maximum file size limit in place so check with your site admin. We'd also suggest that you read our recommendations about using this component.

File upload question example.

Additional information - text and fact bank

Additional information - Fact bank

This answer component allows you to add in formatted detail to questions, it's useful if you want to add some explanatory text or some context to a question. By choosing this answer component, you will be provided with the usual text editor you will be used to from across Citizen Space, this will allow you to add in images, rich media and formatted text within the question area. The difference between this and the 'Additional information - text' answer component is that this allows you to put the detail into a fact bank, which respondents can open by clicking on it.

Factbank within question example.

Additional information - Text

This answer component allows you to add in formatted detail to questions, it's useful if you want to add some explanatory text or some context to a question. By choosing this answer component, you will be provided with the usual text editor you will be used to from across Citizen Space, this will allow you to add in images, rich media and formatted text within the question area.

Explanatory text in question example.