Introductory text and email completion message
You can edit some of the text that respondents see within your online survey by going to the 'Online Survey' link on the dashboard.
The first page you will be taken to is 'Online Survey Settings'.
Introductory text
If you choose the non-linear structure for your online survey, you can include Introductory text to be displayed above the Table of Contents on the first page. Within this section you are able to add text, add images, embed PDFs and rich media and even write your text in HTML to jazz things up a bit.
This is a really useful place to instruct respondents on how they can fill in the online survey, i.e. that certain sections are mandatory, they can fill in as much or as little as they'd like, how they can utilise the 'Save-and-Return' link etc. This text can be added so it is visible to all using the 'introductory text' field, or within a fact bank which will expand when it is clicked on by using the 'fact bank text' box.

Completion Message
The Completion Message is the message a respondent will see when they have completed the online survey. As this section has a style bar, you are able to add text, hyperlinks and images.

Email acknowledgement message
If a respondent has provided an email address to have a copy of their response emailed to them, they will receive an email acknowledgement message. You are able to tailor this message both site wide and on a per activity basis. It is important to note that this email's inbox is not monitored, and replies will not be forwarded. If respondents reply to this email, they will not get a response.
This section is in plain text which means that you are not able to do any styling or html. As there are so many email providers with different styling allowance, plain text is the safest format to send an email in. This helps to stop the text in the message from breaking when the email is delivered to the respondent's email provider.