Creating and managing activities
- External link activity - how can I customise this?
- Offline activity - how do I customise this?
- Change the activity owner
- Moving activities - how do I move an activity to another Workspace?
- How do I search for activities?
- Publishing - why can't I publish my activity?
- Error message - why can't I add my activity?
- Cloning an activity
- The status of your activity - Open, Closed and Forthcoming
- Start and end dates - when does an activity open and close?
- Warnings around editing a published activity
- URL - shorten
- URL - find and promote
- Generating a QR code for a Citizen Space activity
- Unpublished (Draft), Published and Deleted activities
- What do members of the public see when an activity is unpublished?
- Building template activities in Citizen Space
- Optimising your activity for mobile
- Multiple responses in Citizen Space
- Marking an activity as complete