Creating an online survey
Our Quick start user guide is a great resource for building your first Citizen Space activity. This article talks you through creating an Online Survey, and pulls together useful links from across the Knowledge Base.
In this article we’ll be following the below steps:
- Step 1 - Initial set-up
- Step 2 - Online Survey Settings
- Step 3 - Add Pages and Questions to your survey
- Step 4 - Add Extras
- Step 5 - Preview Your Survey
- Step 6 - Publish Your Survey
Step 1 - Initial set-up
The very first thing to do is to add your activity and give it an Overview page, then you can begin to create your online survey.
To set up the Overview page select the first option on the dashboard: 1. Edit Activity Details.
Add the required information to Edit Activity Details to build your Overview page. You can find more on this in our 'Citizen Space activity set up - detailed instructions' article. Then return to the dashboard.
Now, select option 2. Online Survey.
Step 2 - Online Survey Settings
The first page you will see is 'Online Survey Settings'. Here you can:
- Edit the link which takes respondents into the survey
- Choose the numbering style for your questions
- Set the survey progression format (linear or non-linear survey)
- Add introductory text for the contents page of a non-linear survey
- Edit the completion message and email acknowledgement text

Step 3 - Add Pages and Questions to your survey
Now, you are ready to add your pages and questions.
When you begin, there will already be one 'Introduction' page in your survey. This contains three default questions to get you started. These three questions have some added functionality. You can choose to edit this page title and/or to edit or remove the questions in it if you want to.
To add your own first page, follow the instructions in this article, which explains how to add, edit and re-order pages.
Start adding questions to your pages. Read more about adding questions here.
Read these related articles for more information:
- What's the difference between a radio button and a check box?
- What are saved questions?
- How do I change the numbering styles of my questions?
- How do I change the structure of my survey?
- How do I reorder questions?
- How do I reorder pages?
Step 4 - Add Extras
Read more about how to add in extra details such as images, documents and links to your pages and questions, via the following articles:
- How do I add a logo or change the theme of my survey?
- How do I add documents or internet links to my survey?
- How do I add images to my survey?
- How do I embed rich media (such as YouTube videos, SlideShare presentations, etc.) into my survey?
- How do I embed a PDF into my survey?
Step 5 - Preview Your Survey
You can preview your survey at any time and can skip directly to certain pages and questions if you wish. To preview, you can click Preview Activity from the dashboard:

Have a look at this article Previewing a survey to find out how to get the most out of Citizen Space's preview functionality.
If you need sign off on your survey before publishing, our article explains how to send a preview to a colleague who doesn't have a Citizen Space administrator login.
Step 6 - Publish Your Survey
When you're ready to publish your survey, head to the dashboard and select the big green Publish button: